Unit normal vector to curveSometime we need to draw normal to curve, so we need to remember math from school…Aug 28, 2021Aug 28, 2021
Classify Videos Using Deep Learning Matlabok based on matlab samples. I wanted to classify video sequences but got error of out of memory. So i combined two examples one works on…Feb 14, 2021Feb 14, 2021
Arrange Database forfor train in keras deep learning model we have two options 1) write our generator 2) arrange the images as python expects .Jan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021
Deep Learning Style TransferToday we cover Tensorflow notebook to understand more deeply the issue of style transfer. the main idea is to take some image which called…Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Transfer Learning with TensorflowToday i will use the power of trained net to train on new Dataset of flowers.Nov 22, 2019Nov 22, 2019